Urgent – legislative SB 307
Urgent email received from Montana Trails Coalition about MT legislative SB 307: Subject: Action Needed: Oppose SB 307 Good Morning Trail Advocates, The Montana Trails Coalition encourages you to submit a comment in opposition of Senate Bill 307 (Reallocate Montana…
Montana Trail Vehicle Riders Association general meeting– Yellow shop building – 622 13th Ave S, Great Falls, MT– Saturday November 23rd– 12pm (noon) general membership meeting Topics of discussion to include 2024 recap, 2025 plans, membership / officer updates, legislative…
The last two weeks of the trail maintenance season 2024 saw MTVRA partnering with the USFS Butte Ranger District on project trails in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest. Work involved tread work, rolling dip construction, drain dip clearing, and washout repair…
The last couple weeks saw MTVRA partnering with the USFS Pintler Ranger District on projects in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest. Trails worked on were near Georgetown Lake, south of Philipsburg, MT. Project involved some re-route sections, tread work, rolling dip…
MTVRA’s main mechanized contractor crew was hard at work in the Wise River Ranger District of the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest this week. This was made possible through the partnership between MTVRA and USFS Region 1 for the purpose of maintenance…
The last couple weeks saw MTVRA partner with Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest for some rehab trail projects in the Little Belts. This Spring saw an extremely heavy late snowfall that devastated portions of our trail system in that area…
Our contractors were helping out the Helena RD on some mechanized trail maintenance projects for the past 2 weeks. This ongoing partnership resulted in several different sections of trails being rehabbed. Much of our contractor’s work typically includes removing downed…
The last couple weeks were spent helping the Bozeman RD with mechanized trail maintenance projects. This ongoing partnership resulted in several different sections of trails being rehabbed in the Custer Gallatin National Forest. Much of our work typically includes removing…
The next couple weeks of July mechanized trail repair will be on joint projects with USFS in the Bozeman Ranger District (photo not of trails). MTVRA membership helps us fund these trail projects and also helps us support legislation to…
Our July mechanized trail repair started in the Madison Ranger District on a couple trails to the east of Sheridan, MT (photo not of trail). MTVRA membership helps us fund these trail projects and also helps us support legislation to…