I recently received an email inquiring about places to ride OHVs in Montana. The person was new to the state and here for a limited amount of time. Here’s the suggestion I gave, that I’ll share with you also.
First, I suggest going to the Montana Recreation Maps website, to get a high-level overview of many (but not all) of the established Motorized Recreation Areas.
During 2018 Seth McArthur with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) brought this website online to provide a single place to share statewide snowmobile and ohv digital maps with the motorized recreation community.

Second, I suggest setting up an account and downloading the Avenza Maps application to your smartphone and/or tablet. Then, you can search / filter Avenza for MVUM or off-roading type maps to download to your smartphone or tablet and take these on the trail with you.
I hope this is helpful to those of you seeking out a place to go ride the trails. Ride Safely and Responsibly.
– written by Carl Siroky